OTL 301 – Post 3

Note to our regular Science Anywhere readers: This post is another assignment for the TRU Online Teaching and Learning (OTL) courses I need to complete.  If you are interested in these OTL courses go to TRUBox. They are free.  🙂

OTL 301 – Post 3 Begins Here –

This activity asks me to: … create 2-3 intended learning outcomes for an area of knowledge or skill within your area of expertise or training.

Answer: (I started with three, but ended up dividing two of them so now there are five.)  😉

  1. On completion of this learning activity the student will be able to apply Kepler’s Third Law to determine the period of an orbiting body when the orbiting body’s mass is much smaller than the central body’s mass.
  2. On completion of this learning activity the student will be able to apply Kepler’s Third Law to determine the the mass of the central body given the small body’s mass is much less than the central body and its orbital period and semi-major axis are known.
  3. On completion of this learning activity the student will be able to apply Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Newton’s Second Law of Motion to find the acceleration due to gravity at a given altitude above the surface of a spherical body (such as a planet, moon, asteroid, or comet).
  4. On completion of this learning activity the student will be able to apply Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Newton’s Second Law of Motion to find the mass of a large spherical body when the acceleration due to gravity and the distance from the centre of mass of the spherical body are known.
  5. On completion of this learning activity the student will be able to describe the type of orbit defined if the orbit’s eccentricity is known.


Then create a learning activity (or two) aligned to one or more of those intended learning outcomes.

Answer: I prepared a learning activity that relates to the first Learning Outcome above.  Please see Learning Activity 6.

— Ron Evans (May 2016)

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